Our Year In Review


Despite numerous challenges experienced during the 2021/22 financial year, CivicRisk Mutual has remained resilient, determined and focused on our core business.

Strong financial result

Due to savings in protection costs and a combined effort from our members to mitigate and manage risks, CivicRisk Mutual was able to generate:

  • ​​$2.2 million in surplus, of which $1.25 million was paid back to members to assist with the financial impact of COVID-19.
  • $64.8 million of consolidated accumulated surplus.

Access to new markets

In response to an increasingly hardening protection market, Mutual members decided to embark on the establishment of a captive named CivicRisk Insurance Limited — which generated savings through access to new markets and provided opportunities for creative solutions.

Bespoke risk management support

Our Mutual has committed to providing bespoke risk management support for local government, helping Councils manage risks and thereby better protect and serve their communities. This year, this commitment translated to:

  • $413,720 of value-added services and benefits granted to members.
  • $474,615 in retained risk enhance funding grants was rolled over into this financial year due to the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on new initiatives.

Excellent survey results

The Mutual’s team is passionate about providing our members with exceptional service and value, and this year membersthey were overwhelmingly happy with our performance, as shown through:

  • Our annual survey, which achieved a response rate of 88% and 97% satisfaction.
  • 46 training sessions provided for 550+ participants from 100% of our membership.
  • 12 working party sessions for 166 participants from 71% of our membership — resulting in collaboration for risk mitigation initiatives and the development of best practices.


Our Mutual has been accredited and awarded a ‘Mutual Value Mark’, which represents a good mutual business that can demonstrate the value it creates for its members. CivicRisk Mutual is one of the first in Australia to have implemented the Mutual Value Measurement framework.

CivicRisk Mutual approaches risk management with the overarching goal of transparency and members customising their own experience. To learn more about membership and how we can help you create safer communities, contact us today!