Member Spotlight: Lane Cove Council Prepares for Cybersecurity Threats


Lane Cove Council is setting the pace in cybersecurity risk management, especially in the face of growing threats. With the help of CivicRisk Mutual’s Risk Enhance funding, the council made major strides in securing its operations against potential attacks.

In a high-pressure simulation, Lane Cove Council put its Business Continuity Plan (BCP) through the gauntlet to develop a stronger response to evolving digital challenges.

The Need for Business Continuity Amid Cyber Threats

The recent cyberattacks on companies like Medibank and Optus highlight the significant vulnerabilities facing local government bodies and organisations alike. Cybercriminals stole sensitive personal data from the two companies, causing operational disruption, reputational damage and financial loss. For a local council, similar breaches could be equally damaging. 

By reflecting on the weaknesses exposed in these high-profile data breaches, Lane Cove Council acknowledged that reacting after a cyberattack isn’t enough. Prevention, preparedness and a robust BCP are critical to ensuring service continuity, protecting data and preserving public trust.

Proactive Steps Toward Resilience

The question of protecting sensitive data in an increasingly threatening cybersecurity landscape is on the minds of many local government bodies and businesses. Of course, the proactive approach is to build a cyber security risk management and business continuity plan to adapt to dynamic risk evolution.

Lane Cove Council took it one step further by partnering with an external consultant and collaboratively putting its BCP to the test. InConsult, a specialist in business continuity and IT security, tested the BCP’s groundwork through a detailed simulation exercise that mimicked a real-life data breach scenario.

The approach was rigorous. It began with a kickoff meeting where the scope of the exercise, council vulnerabilities and potential breach scenarios were discussed. The review then extended to Lane Cove’s current IT incident response plans, ensuring that all critical areas were covered. The goal was to ultimately ensure Lane Cove Council was prepared for anything and everything a cybercriminal could throw at it.

Facing a Simulated Cyberattack

The day of the simulation arrived, and the council’s Crisis Management Team (CMT) and IT response unit were put through their paces. The simulated attack was designed to mimic a real-world cyber incident, pushing the teams to identify vulnerabilities in their response plan. For hours, the council worked under pressure, managing a mock data breach, addressing communication breakdowns and assessing how efficiently the two teams could respond to prevent damage.

Lane Cove Council’s teams handled the situation with a mixture of readiness and discovery. While the exercise revealed gaps in their procedures — especially around internal communication and response timing — it also strengthened the council’s resolve to improve these areas. The exercise provided vital insights into how Lane Cove could adapt its plans to mitigate future threats more effectively.

Strengthening the Council’s Defenses

The hard work was not over yet. Simulation results led to critical updates in Lane Cove Council’s BCP. The council and InConsult addressed gaps identified during the exercise, ensuring that both the CMT and IT response team had the tools to act swiftly and cohesively in the event of a real attack. This exercise underscored the importance of continuous training and regular testing of the BCP to keep the council prepared for emerging threats.

With a more resilient business continuity plan in place, Lane Cove Council has positioned itself as a model of preparedness in the face of cybersecurity risks. The council’s forward-thinking approach ensures its people are well-equipped to manage potential disruptions, safeguard sensitive data and continue to serve the community — even under challenging circumstances.

Want To Bolster Your Cyber Risk Resilience?

Lane Cove Council’s commitment to strengthening its BCP connotes true leadership in digital preparedness. By investing in cybersecurity resilience, the council is safeguarding its operations in the face of virtual threats while also preserving the trust and safety of its community. CivicRisk Mutual’s Risk Enhance Program was instrumental in helping the council reach this milestone, offering the financial and advisory support needed to build a more resilient future.

If you’re a CivicRisk Mutual member looking to strengthen your own risk management strategies, contact us today to learn more about the Risk Enhance Program and how we can help you tackle potential threats head-on.