We’ve compiled a list of some of the most frequently asked questions about CivicRisk Mutual. For the best access to our resources, please log in to the Member Portal. If you need assistance or can’t find what you are looking for, please contact us and we would be happy to help!
Asset Management
We have information on how to respond to pothole claims in our Member Portal, including member examples and template letters.
For examples of tree management policies and letters of reply to claimants, see resources available for local tree management on the Member Portal.
Please see resources about asset hire procedures and conditions, as well as sports field hire procedures and conditions on the Member Portal, including examples and checklists.
You should inform the Mutual by email or 1300 837 493, as well as our service partners at WTW — Shane Redman (shane.redman@wtwco.com or 02 9285 4143) or Clare Allen clare.allen@wtwco.com or 02 92854057.)
Asset Valuations
Scott Fullarton Valuations hosts a schedule on the Member Portal — please note an on-site valuation is conducted every five years, with desktop valuations in between.
Building & Development
We offer a variety of training sessions and resources that are available on the Member Portal. We’ll also send you regular updates and communications to ensure you stay informed of all that we provide our members.
Claims Management
For information and assistance with liability claims, contact our service partners at CMA — Tony Hatgis (tonyh@claimsmanagers.com.au or 1300 133 906) or Jason Hall (jasonh@claimsmanagers.com.au or 1300 133 906.)
For information and assistance with property damage and/or management liability claims, contact our service partner at CMA — Ian Barker (ianb@claimsmanagers.com.au or 1300 133 903.)
You can find examples of letters to assist in replying to claimants on our Member Portal.
Continuous Risk Improvement Program
CRIP audits are conducted every three years, and the schedule is available to view on the Member Portal.
CivicRisk Mutual has an ongoing CRIP support group which has been established to identify opportunities where we can assist members, provide specific training and utilise risk champions for mentoring.
Contractor Management
Member examples, as well as information about best practices regarding contractor engagement, insurance and agreements can be viewed on our Member Portal.
Fleet Management
The member Council should lodge the claim and the insurer will provide instructions, as well as the actions required. Once the claim is finalised, the Mutual will issue an excess invoice. More details on the claims manual.
To lodge a motor vehicle claim, follow the steps in our claims manual or contact us for further guidance.
We can! Please refer to our claims manual, where you can find information about our insurer’s claims escalation support and contact details.
Member examples, as well as information about managing leaseback vehicles, can be accessed on the Member Portal.
Past examples of how our members have successfully managed the use of private vehicles can be accessed on the Member Portal.
Funding Grants
Information about CivicRisk Mutual’s funding grant policy and application form can be accessed on the Member Portal.
To find out your Council’s funding grant balance, please email us or call us at 1300 837 493.
Our members have come up with creative initiatives that have been highly beneficial for their communities, you can view examples on the Member Portal or email us for more information.
Funding grants are for the GST-exclusive portion — and can be paid by the Mutual through an invoice or reimbursed if members choose to pay directly.
Member Portal
We’re sorry about any inconvenience, please email us or call us at 1300 837 493 for assistance regarding the Member Portal.
Information about Member Rules and the Mutuals’ Constitution is available on the Member Portal. If you’re having trouble accessing it or have additional questions, please email us or call us at 1300 837 493 for assistance.
All membership schedules are issued in early June for members to review and query any excess changes, while invoices are issued on the 1st of July each year.
Detailed information about our contribution formula is available on the Member Portal. If you’re having trouble accessing it, please email us or call us at 1300 837 493 for assistance.
Councils can modify protection program excesses when membership schedules are issued early June each year. In addition, our actuary presents information about future contribution calculations at our Risk Management and Finance Committee meetings, as well as the Members Assembly.
Please email us or call us at 1300 837 493 to advise our team of any changes. When there is a new starter, we’ll be in touch to arrange an onboarding session that includes a welcoming presentation and training on the Member Portal.
Of course! Simply email the job details and URL link to info@civicriskmutual.com.au and our team will proceed to upload the vacancy, as well as share it with members via our weekly newsletter.
Protection Program Information
Information about all our protection program policies and limits can be accessed on our Member Portal.
Copies of protection program certificates of currency and policies, can be accessed on our Member Portal.
For assistance with special notations on protection program certificates of currency please contact our service partners at WTW — Shane Redman (shane.redman@wtwco.com or 02 9285 4143) or Clare Allen clare.allen@wtwco.com or 02 92854057.)
For assistance with clarification of protection program policies please contact our service partners at WTW — Shane Redman (shane.redman@wtwco.com or 02 9285 4143) or Clare Allen clare.allen@wtwco.com or 02 92854057.)
Protection Program Renewals
All group policies are renewed on the 31st October each year, but all optional or specialised policies, as well as community support, are renewed on 30th June. Moreover, our service partner WTW will send all renewal declarations and questionnaires to members for timely completion.
Members can download the new building notification form and email our service partners — Scott Fullarton Valuations (scott@sfv.com.au) as well as those at WTW: Shane Redman (shane.redman@wtwco.com or 02 9285 4143) or Clare Allen clare.allen@wtwco.com or 02 92854057.)
Risk Awards
Each year, CivicRisk Mutual recognises outstanding members who have made a positive impact in their communities through effective risk management programs and initiatives. Nominations open in September and winners are announced in March at the Members’ Forum.
View the Excellence in Risk Management Awards Program application form, and past year results on the Member Portal.
Risk Management
Member examples, as well as risk management best practices, can be accessed on the Member Portal.
Member examples of business continuity planning, as well as relevant industry guides, can be accessed on the Member Portal.
Members can access warning signs examples and signage training sessions on the Member Portal.
Please complete a training request on the Member Portal. Alternatively, you can email us or call us at 1300 837 493.
Collaboration is at the heart of how CivicRisk Mutual operates, and we always welcome new topic ideas for future training sessions. Please email us or call us at 1300 837 493.